Rasis Afzar Co. welcomes your calls and messages. Feel free to conatc us if you have any question or inquiry.
We will get back to you as soon as we receive you messages.
- +98-21-88731802
- +98-21-88731778
- +98-21-88519958
Unit 6, 4th Floor,
No. 152, Zeynali St.,
Keyhan Sq.,
North Sohrevardi St.,
Tehran 1576984418 - Iran.
Location on Map
Unit 6, 4th Floor, No. 152, Zeynali St., Keyhan Sq., North Sohrevardi St.,
Tehran 1576984418 - Iran.
Tel.: +98-21-88731802, +98-21-88731778 - Fax: +98-21-88519958
Conatct Form
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